Our Story.

The Sissy Village All Suite Hotel, a haven of comfort and luxury, began its journey in 1996 with a vision to redefine hospitality in Crete. Breaking away from the norm, our founders aimed to create a space where guests could feel truly at home, unburdened by the typical hustle and bustle of city or tourist hotels.

Distinguished by perceptibly larger rooms, our hotel caters to the demands of the modern traveler. Both the interior and exterior of the hotel emanate a familiar and exceptional ambiance, inviting guests to “Make Yourself at Home.” In July 2001, we proudly opened our doors as one of the first all-suite hotels in the region, providing not just rooms but comfortable and functional suites.

The Sissy Village All Suite Hotel is a direct reflection of affordable luxury, offering a stay characterized by quality, elegance, and a welcoming atmosphere. Whether for business or pleasure, experience the difference of feeling completely comfortable during your stay by choosing a suite over a typical hotel room. We invite you to make SissyVillage All Suite Hotel your home away from home.

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